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Industry Reports

The importance of communication, involving all relevant stakeholders early in the process, ownership of tasks, and robust planning all came out clearly as key factors in achieving successful

Global sustainable packaging policies and swiftly changing domestic legislation are impacting the rate at which manufacturers need to change packaging materials and the discussions revealed clear

This white paper provides recommendations based on over 30 years of recruiting industry experience and features firsthand accounts from companies in the packaging industry, detailing their

Many consumer packaged goods companies' (CPGs) warehouses are still highly manual and often operating from outdated buildings with unsuitable layouts, causing bottlenecks in their operations.

The dairy industry has faced numerous obstacles in the last few years - from supply chain struggles to fluctuating consumer demand, dairy producers have been challenged to maximize efficiency in

From the report and the Top to Top sessions it is apparent each thematic area is of significance to companies involved in packaging and processing. With organizations at very different points when it

This white paper discusses why standards are important to machinery builders, what core standards are relevant to packaging and processing, how to determine what standard(s) to follow, and what is

The report helps to identify upcoming investment plans and projects, key issues driving or inhibiting planned machinery investments, operational priorities, top supplier selection attributes and the

The PMMI/AMERIPEN collaboration, 2023 Packaging Compass: Evaluating Trends in U.S. Packaging Design Over the Next Decade and Implications for the Future of a Circular Packaging System, attempts to

This report from PMMI and Euromonitor International provides an overview and exploration of the future of sustainable packaging options according to consumer and CPG opinion.